Ottoman Turkish Word Solver
The first period Turkish dictionaries
All our dictionaries have been digitized with over 10 years of effort and dedication. On our website, we present visually the pre-Turkish Language Association (TDK) Turkish dictionaries published between 1729 and 1928. All entry titles are also written in Turkish Latin letters.
In our database, explanations of Turkish words in German, English, and French are also included. One of the most comprehensive dictionaries in our database is the Redhouse English dictionary.
For the 54,000 Arabic or Persian origin words found in our dictionaries, their current meanings in Arabic and Persian are provided, along with their respective translations.
Our website offers services
in English, French, German, Arabic, Russian,
Greek and Turkish languages.
The primary language of our website is Turkish.
İngilizce Sözlük
77.532 words
Kamus'ul Alam
25.629 words
Kamus-ı Fransevi
30.069 words
Lugat-ı Naci
17.678 words
Lehçe-i Osmani
25.468 words
Kamus-ı Türki
29.881 words
Yeni Türkçe Lugat
19.411 words
Kamus-ı Osmani
18.667 words
A total of 158.000+ words.
It is the most reliable and comprehensive historical dictionary project with over 430,000 entry headings and more than 158,000 words, including original texts.
Original pages.
The spelling of each entry is provided in modern Turkish using Latin alphabet. Additionally, original dictionary images are presented. You can also read them in their original form as they were printed 100-140 years ago.